Charter Partner
Decision Maker:
Nick Rudden
Decision Maker Phone:
Contact Person:
Nick Rudden
Contact Person Phone:
Office Phone:
9605 S Kingston Ct, Ste 200, Englewood, 80112
- General info
Founded in 2011, Goodspeed & Merrill is a general small business, real estate and boutique estate planning law firm. Founding partners, Suzanne Goodspeed and Nathan Merrill, have years of experience with several of Colorado's most renowned closely held and family owned business success stories, and have helped those clients with every aspect of growth and liquidity planning. Combined with our other team members, we can serve the needs of business of all sizes and act as outside general counsel to many closely held and family owned businesses.
Please consider us to be your chosen and trusted advisors in charting a course of success as you embark on the adventure of starting and growing a business.
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Goodspeed Merrill
Law Firm